y’Za’ur’Ë’ia: The Beloved of Ë’ia.

Global Map of Aludra Za’ur, Aludra III, or y’Za’ur’Ë’ia.

First Appearance: A Prisoner in my Own Home

Alternate Names: Aludra Za’ur, Aludra III, y’Za’ur’Ë’ia “beloved of Ë’ia” (by the Za’ur)

Home Star: Aludra; Eta Canis Majoris. This is the third Planet from this star.

Constellation: Canis Major. 

Distance from Earth: 3,000 LY. 

Natural Satellite(s): 1. Xÿ’ryn’Za’ur.

Indigenous Sentient Organism: Za’ur (Homo lupus sapiens). 

Ruler: Ë’kÿÿn (King) Balthazar III Avior.

National and Political Boundaries.


  • Imalec.
  • Eteminë.
  • Iren. (Arctic).
  • Lë’mûri. (Antarctic).



  • High Crown Lands or Ë’ink’ryn (capital Ahanûri, Lÿnxê, and Ecubet). Ruled by High King Balthazar III Avior. Not a kingdom, but a district similar to D.C.
  • Silûria (capital Silûria Inyr, Lacer, and Cet Isu).
  • Mimosa (capital Mimosa Inyr, Pÿxis, and Lyra).
  • Atria (capital Atria Inyr, Perseit, Xephëa).
  • Tyr (capital Tyr Inyr, Frÿa, and Ithûnn). Ruled by Queen Frÿndir X.
  • Hinÿr (capital Hinÿr Inyr, Rÿÿa, and Vlir).


  • Sirius.
  • Runai.
  • Tinanë.
  • Yun.
  • Menet.
  • Nun’qi.
  • Mûr’sii.



  • Ûtë’ii I.

Further details will be added as the series progresses.
