Tolimani Language Guide.


Ix’qõ = hello. 

I’unë = goodbye. 

Oî = yes. 

Kìx = no. 

Yõ’do = thank you. 

Hgí’do = thank you (formal). 

Saa’w dimao = you’re welcome. 

Hgí’w dimao = you’re welcome (formal). 

Xýrr = divine pronoun. 

Oënni = love (noun). 

Oën = love (verb). 

Oën’që = dear/beloved (adjective).

Hvûr Hgí/yõ saa’w? = How are you (doing)? 

Hrr’û’që Ei saa’x = I’m (doing) good. 

Kiri’që hlirya = Good morning. 

Kiri’që hzyrya = Good evening.


Mõrzin = kill/murder. 

Hpêri = do. Hbax yõ(’ho) hpêri? What are you (all) doing?

Virïn = happen. 

Rhûx = eat. 

Tfenë = drink. 

H’rrïn = born. 

Utâra = grow. 

Lÿri = fly. 

Sfara = use.

Râwn = for (use).

Hmîrvi = return.

Heavenly Bodies.

Xi’ôrrana = “land of ancestors”/the planet Earth; “ancestress”; a lady’s personal name. 

Xi’ôrrani = “the people of the land of the ancestors”; Humans/Earthlings

Tolimana = “land of the people”; Tolimani Homeworld/Alpha Centauri Bb.

Tolimani = the Tolimani people; “the people of the land of the people.” 

Hrëa = a warrior angel from the Kirienen religious tradition. Closer moon on a circular, equatorial, one-month orbit. Size of Earth’s Moon. 

Lailiiq = the dream angel from Kirienen religion. Farther moon on an eccentric, polar, 13 month orbit. Size of the asteroid Ceres. 

Hmírri = star. 


Imaï = North. 

Ôyë = South. 

Ûri = East. 

Olnaï = West. 

Imaï’ûri = Northeast. 

Imaï’olnaï = Northwest. 

Ôyë’ûri = Southeast. 

Ôyë’olnaï = Southwest. 

Hlírqa = Center. 

General Use Terms.

Hrr’û = life. 

Hrr’û’që = alive. 

Hrr’û’ni = to live. 

Mõri = death. 

Mõri’që = dead. 

Mõri’ni = to die. 

Ar’mõri = immortal/deathless. 

Ar’mõri’toli = Deathless/immortal person. 

Ar’vëla’hâlor’ë = “dark queen;” the Shadow Queen; Sahra Etraxia

Ar = not/non. 

Hgÿri = cluster/group (of objects).

Basic Grammar.


1st Person2nd Person3rd Person
Singular (Eng)IYou/You (frm)It/He/She
Singular (Tol)ËiYõ/Hgí’wnQi
Plural (Eng)WeY’all/Y’all (frm)They
Plural (Tol)ËihoYõho/Hgí’wn’iQiho
Singular (Eng)MeHim/Her
Singular (Tol)MíxQi’m/Qi’r
Plural (Eng)UsThem
Plural (Tol)Míx’iQis
Singular (Eng)MyYour/Your (frm)It’s/His/Her
Singular (Tol)Ya’míxYa’hgí’w/Ya’hgí’wnYa’qi’t//Ya’qi’ton/Ya’qi’m’t//Ya’qi’të/Ya’qi’r’t
Plural (Eng)OurY’all’s/Y’all’s (frm)Their
Plural (Tol)Ya’míx’iYa’hgí’w’i/Ya’hgí’wn’iYa’qi’t’i
Basic Tolimani Pronouns.

Ëi = I. 

Míx = me. 

Ya’míx = my. 

Ëiho = we. 

Míx’i = us. 

Ya’míx’i = our. 

Yõ = you. 

Ya’hgí’w = your. 

Yõho = y’all. 

Ya’hgí’w’i = y’all’s. 

Hgí’wn = You (formal). 

Ya’hgí’wn = Your (formal). 

Qi = it/he/she. 

Ya’qi’t = its. 

Qi’m = him. 

Ya’qi’m’t = his (possessive). 

Ya’qi’ton = His (title). 

Qi’r = her. 

Ya’qi’r’t = her (possessive). 

Ya’qi’të = Her (title). 

Qiho = they. 

Ya’qi’t’i = their. 

Qis = them. 

Modal Verbs:

Saa, x, w, t, i = To be.

Xia,x,w,t,i =To have.

Present Tense:

To BeNegationTo HaveNegation
1PS (I)Am/Saa’xAm not/Wê saa’xHave/Xia’xDon’t have/Wê xia’x
1PP (We)Are/Saa’x’iAren’t/Wê saa’x’iHave/Xia’x’iDon’t have/Wê xia’x’i
2PS (You)Are/Saa’wAren’t/Wê saa’wHave/Xia’wDon’t have/Wê xia’w
2PP (Y’all)Are/Saa’w’iAren’t/Wê saa’w’iHave/Xia’w’iDon’t have/Wê xia’w’i
3PS (He/She/It)Is/Saa’tIsn’t/Wê saa’tHas/Xia’tHasn’t/Wê xia’t
3PP (They)Are/Saa’t’iAren’t/Wê saa’t’iHave/Xia’t’iHaven’t/Wê xia’t’i
Table of Present tense modal verbs.

Past Tense:

To BeNegationTo HaveNegation
1PS (I)Was/Saa’x’maWasn’t/Wê saa’x’maHad/Xia’x’maDidn’t have/Wê xia’x’ma
1PP (We)Were/Saa’x’i’maWeren’t/Wê saa’x’i’maHad/Xia’x’i’maDidn’t have/Wê xia’x’i’ma
2PS (You)Were/Saa’w’maWeren’t/Wê saa’w’maHad/Xia’w’maDidn’t have/Wê xia’w’ma
2PP (Y’all)Were/Saa’w’i’maWeren’t/Wê saa’w’i’maHad/Xia’w’i’maDidn’t have/Wê xia’w’i’ma
3PS (He/She/It)Was/Saa’t’maWasn’t/Wê saa’t’maHad/Xia’t’maHadn’t/Wê xia’t’ma
3PP (They)Were/Saa’t’i’maWeren’t/Wê saa’t’i’maHad/Xia’t’i’maHaven’t/Wê xia’t’i’ma
Table of Past tense modal verbs.

Future Tense:

To BeNegationTo HaveNegation
1PS (I)Will/Saa’x’hirWill not/Wê saa’x’hirWill have/Xia’x’hirWon’t have/Wê xia’x’hir
1PP (We)Will/Saa’x’i’hirWon’t/Wê saa’x’i’hirWill have/Xia’x’i’hirWon’t have/Wê xia’x’i’hir
2PS (You)Will/Saa’w’hirWon’t/Wê saa’w’hirWill have/Xia’w’hirWon’t have/Wê xia’w’hir
2PP (Y’all)Will/Saa’w’i’hirWon’t/Wê saa’w’i’hirWill have/Xia’w’i’hirWon’t have/Wê xia’w’i’hir
3PS (He/She/It)Will/Saa’t’hirWon’t/Wê saa’t’hirWill have/Xia’t’hirWon’t have/Wê xia’t’hir
3PP (They)Will/Saa’t’i’hirWon’t/Wê saa’t’i’hirWill have/Xia’t’i’hirWon’t have/Wê xia’t’i’hir
Table of Future tense modal verbs.



Nîn = zero. 0. 

Aië = one (number). 1. 

Rrù = two. 2. 

Hgat = three. 3. 

Hdawi = four. 4. 

Ërod = five. 5. 

Qihl = six. 6. 

Sruul = seven. 7. 

Xôma = eight. 8. 

Kyva = nine. 9. 

Zëm = ten. 10. 

Zëm’aië = eleven. 11. 

Zëm’rrù = twelve. 12. 

Zëm’hgat = thirteen. 13. 

Zëm’hdawi = fourteen. 14. 

Zëm’ërod = fifteen. 15. 

Zëm’qihl = sixteen. 16. 

Zëm’sruul = seventeen. 17. 

Zëm’xôma = eighteen. 18. 

Zëm’kyva = nineteen. 19. 

Rrù’zëm = twenty. 20. 

Hgat’zëm = thirty. 30. 

Hdawi’zëm = fourty. 40. 

Ërod’zëm = fifty. 50. 

Qihl’zëm = sixty. 60. 

Sruul’zëm = seventy. 70. 

Xôma’zëm = eighty. 80. 

Kyva’zëm = ninety. 90. 

(Aië) Hvang = one hundred. 100. 

Rrù’hvang = two hundred. 200. 

Zrat = one thousand. 1,000. 

Zëm Zrat= ten thousand. 10,000. 

Hvang Zrat = one hundred thousand. 100,000. 

Nrol = one million. 1,000,000. 

Kirivandi = infinity. 



(Aië’)qïri’rrù = ½. 0.5

(Aië’)qïri’hgat = ⅓. 0.333

(Aië’)qïri’hdawi = ¼. 0.25

(Aië’)qïri’ërod = ⅕. 0.2

(Aië’)qïri’qihl = ⅙. 0.1667

(Aië’)qïri’sruul = 1/7. 0.1428

(Aië’)qïri’xôma = ⅛. 0.125

(Aië’)qïri’kyva = 1/9. 0.11111

(Aië’)qïri’zëm = 1/10. 0.1


Units of Time.

Hyla = Year.

Hwyr = Month.

Sruul’hlirya = Week.

Hranë = Day. 

Na’a’ni = Hour. 

Hbêru = Minute. 

Hsïvi = Second.

Times of Day.

Hranë = Day. 

Hdûra = Night. 

Hmêna = Past. 

Hyraq = Present. 

Hbira = Future. 

Hmêna’hranë = Yesterday. 

Hyraq’hranë = Today.

Hbira’hranë = Tomorrow. 

Hlirya = Morning. 

Hlirya’rhûx = Breakfast.

Hgari = Afternoon. 

Hgari’rhûx = Lunch.

Hzyrya = Evening.

Hzyrya’rhûx = Dinner.

Clock Time.


TimeAM ☀️PM 🌜
Table of hourly clock time in the Tolimani language.


Like with fractions, the word qïri simply means divided by.

Ex: Hranë’xôma’qïri’rrù’na’a’ni = 8:30 am.

The Twelve Sacred Elements.

Vëla = light. 1

Xãrri = mind. 2

Rrûyya = wood. 3

Hnavë = music. 4

Hgeru = electricity. 5

Qívum = water. 6

Faâr = fire. 7

Hfíl = body. 8

Xagha = earth. 9

Wéntë = air. 10

Tzima = metal. 11

Iryë = ice. 12

Other Words.

Stan = stone. 

Qãr = dance. 

Su = joy. 

Vix = grim. 

Eri = hand. 

Bang = blood. 

Mari = fang/teeth. 

Nu = forth. 

Menë = eyes. 

Rûd = red. 

Minnár = mane/hair. 

Es’ver = “tears”/empathy.

Nāki = the earth goddess; a personal name. 

Arvëla = Darkness. 

M’wë = crown/royal. 

D’vin = other. 

Nin = none. 

Krina = All. 

Ix = and. 

Angvin = war. 

Angvin’toli = warrior. 

Xiranga = throne, sometimes used in the name of a Capital city. 

Xi’ôrr’qahxí = Direcat. 

Rrû’vïr = tree.

Hkÿn = Emotions.

🙂Hyra’ni = Happiness. Hyra = To be happy. Hyra’që = Happy.
😞Tfira’ni = Sadness. Tfira = Sadden. Tfira’që = Sad.
😠Faârhu’ni = Anger. (n)Faârhu = Anger. (v)Faârhu’që = Angry.
😨Iryaro’ni = Fear. Iryaro = To Scare. Iryaro’që = Afraid.
😊Xyra’ni = Contentment. Xyra = To Please. Xyra’që = Pleased.
Table of emotional states and parts of speech. More states and their emojis may be added in the future.


Xirangi = Majesty. 

Hraxi = Highness. 

Ya’qi’ton Xirangi = His Majesty. 

Ya’qi’të Xirangi = Her Majesty. 

Ya’qi’t’i Xirangi = Their Majesties. 

Ya’hgí’won Xirangi = Your Majesty (masc). 

Ya’hgí’wë Xirangi = Your Majesty (fem). 

Ya’qi’ton (M’wë)hraxi = His (Royal) Highness. 

Ya’qi’të (M’wë)hraxi = Her (Royal) Highness. 

Ya’qi’t’i (M’wë)hraxi = Their (Royal) Highnesses. 

Ya’hgí’won (M’wë)hraxi = Your (Royal) Highness (masc). 

Ya’hgí’wë (M’wë)hraxi = Your (Royal) Highness (fem). 

Xïdal’on = male deity/god. 

Xïdal’panon = priest/holy man. 

Hâlzenor’on = Emperor. 

Hâlor’on = King. 

M’wëhâlvi’on = Crown Prince. 

Hâlvi’on = Prince/Lord. 

Qar’on = sorcerer. 

Xïdal’ë = female deity/goddess. 

Xïdal’marë = priestess/holy woman. 

Hâlzenor’ë = Empress. 

Hâlor’ë = Queen. 

M’wëhâlvi’ë = Crown Princess. 

Hâlvi’ë = Princess/Lady. 

Qar’ë = sorceress. 


Masculine Descriptors.

Mäw = male. 

Toli’on = Man. 

Toli’on’i = Men. 

Mäw’zuë = boy/son. 

Zuë’huri’on = son-in-law. 

Panon = father. 

Huri’on = husband/male mate. 

Huri’panon = father-in-law. 

Hvang’panon = grandfather. 

Hvang’mäw’zuë = grandson. 

Pa’hvang’panon = father’s father.

Mäw’hvang’mäw’zuë = son’s son.

Ma’hvang’panon = mother’s father.

Fëâr’hvang’mäw’zuë = daughter’s son.

On’hdõr’on = nephew from one’s brother.

Ë’hdõr’on = nephew from one’s sister.

Qim’xon/Qmx. = Mister/Mr. (Married male). 

Qim’on/Qm. = Mister/Mr. (Unmarried male). 

Ônir’on = brother. 

Huri’ônir’on = brother-in-law. 

Pa’ônir’on = father’s brother. Paternal uncle by blood. 

Ma’ônir’on = mother’s brother. Maternal uncle by blood. 

Pa’ônir’huri’on = father’s brother-in-law. Paternal uncle by marriage. 

Ma’ônir’huri’on = mother’s brother-in-law. Maternal uncle by marriage. 

Hvang’huri’on = widower.

(Aië, Rrù, Hgat, etc.) Pa’hzíri’on = (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) Paternal male cousin. 

(Aië, Rrù, Hgat, etc.) Ma’hzíri’on = (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) Maternal male cousin. 

Fëâr’hfÿii’panon = “Egg Father”; Transgender male who gives birth in the manner of a cis woman. 

Fëâr’hfÿii’toli’on = Transgender male/male AFAB. See Theodorëo Xaghastan.

Mäw’hfÿii’toli’on = Cisgender male.

Mäw’oënni’toli’on = gay man. 

Fëâr’oënni’toli’on = straight man. 

Mäwixfëâr’oënni’toli’on = bisexual man.

Feminine Descriptors.

Fëâr = female. 

Toli’ë = Woman. 

Toli’ë’i = Women. 

Fëâr’zuë = girl/daughter. 

Zuë’huri’ë = daughter-in-law. 

Marë = mother. 

Huri’ë = wife/female mate. 

Huri’marë = mother-in-law. 

Hvang’marë = grandmother. 

Hvang’fëâr’zuë = granddaughter.

Pa’hvang’marë = father’s mother.

Mäw’hvang’fëâr’zuë = son’s daughter.

Ma’hvang’marë = mother’s mother.

Fëâr’hvang’fëâr’zuë = daughter’s daughter.

On’hdõr’ë = niece from one’s brother.

Ë’hdõr’ë = niece from one’s sister.

Qir’xë/Qrx. = Mistress/Mrs. (Married female). 

Qir’ë/Qr. = Miss/Ms. (Unmarried female). 

Ônir’ë = sister. 

Huri’ônir’ë = sister-in-law. 

Pa’ônir’ë = father’s sister. Paternal aunt by blood. 

Ma’ônir’ë = mother’s sister. Maternal aunt by blood. 

Pa’ônir’huri’ë= father’s sister-in-law. Paternal aunt by marriage. 

Ma’ônir’huri’ë= mother’s sister-in-law. Maternal aunt by marriage. 

Hvang’huri’ë = widow.

(Aië’, Rrù’, Hgat’, etc.) Pa’hzíri’ë = (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) Paternal female cousin. 

(Aië, Rrù, Hgat, etc.) Ma’hzíri’ë = (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) Maternal female cousin. 

Mäw’hfÿii’marë = “Sperm Mother”; Transgender female who sires children in the manner of a cis man. 

Mäw’hfÿii’toli’ë = Transgender female/female AMAB.

Fëâr’hfÿii’toli’ë = Cisgender female.

Fëâr’oënni’toli’ë = lesbian woman. 

Mäw’oënni’toli’ë = straight woman. 

Mäwixfëâr’oënni’toli’ë = bisexual woman.

Genderless Descriptors.

Kirivandi or Kiri = Blessed One. 

Xýrr = The special pronoun for Kiri. 

Kiri’naa = Book of the Blessed One. 

Zuë = child/baby. 

Huri = spouse/mate. 

Hvang’huri = widow(er). 

M’wë’huri = Royal Spouse/Mate. 

Hvang’m’wë’huri = Widow(er)ed Royal Spouse/Mate. 

Qara = magical art. 

Qari = mage. 

Qis’xi/Qsx. = Mx. (Mated agender). 

Qis’i/Qs. = Mx. (Unmated agender). 

Toli = person. 

Toli’i = people. 


Rûd’lin = red. 

Ruf’lin = orange. 

Hax’r’lin = yellow. 

Hrön’lin = green. 

Îs’lin = blue. 

Qëvi’lin = purple. 

Phaë’lin = pink/rose. 

Ruf’ti’lin = brown. 

Ti’lin = black. 

Vë’lin = white. 

Apo’lin = gold. 

Mír’lin = silver. 

Ti’vë’lin = gray. 

Kirisar = rainbow. 

Vë’ri = bright. 

Ti’ri = dark. 

‘lin = color suffix.


Fëâr’hfÿii = oocyte. 

Mäw’hfÿii = spermatocyte. 

Hfÿii = seed/gamete.

The “X.”

The “x” in the Tolimani language is somewhat tricky with respect to pronunciation. It isn’t pronounced “ks” but is more like the prelude to a hacking sound produced at the back of the throat. Future episodes featuring this language will have audio of instances of the “x” in Tolimani.

Question Words.

Hbax = what. 

Hrêri = where. 

Hsenë = when. 

Htõ = who. 

Hvûr = how. 

Hzín = why.

Common Questions:

Hrêri saa’t (noun)? Where is (3PS) (noun)? 

Htõ yõ saa’w? Who are you? 

Hbax qi saa’t? What is it? 

Hvûr yõ/hgí saa’w? How are you? 

Hsenë saa’t Vë’hrëa? When is the full moon? 

Hzín (wê) saa’t’i (noun) (adj)? Why are(n’t) (3PP) (noun) (adj)?

Sentence Structure:


SVO (Subj-Verb-Obj). 

1PS: Ëi saa’x Xi’ôrrani. I am an Earthling. 

1PP: Ëiho saa’x’i Angvin’toli’i. We are warriors. 

SOV: (Subj-Obj-Verb)

2PS: Yõ/Hgí’wn Tolimani saa’w? Are you Tolimani? 

Hrêri yõ saa’w’ma? Where were you? 

2PP: Yõho/Hgí’wn’i Tolimani saa’w’i?

Further details will be added as the series progresses.
