The Battle of Procyon 1.

Tuesday: 08/03/2032: 12:00 am. President Sharp is sitting at the Resolute Desk, pouring over military documents and struggling to keep her eyes open, even as Hatshepsut meows and mrrps for Sarah’s attention. She jumps up on the desk and rubs her nose in the President’s face. “Hello, kitty. No, I can’t play right now.” Then, a golden window opens in the middle of the room, snapping the Commander-in-Chief out of her sleepy stupor and surprising the cat. “Good morning, General Durga.” “Good morning, Madame. Are you sleepy?” “Not anymore. What’s new?” “We’ve encountered a problem with the guidance software on some of our ships.” “Uh oh.” “I know. What makes it worse is that Ares’veron and Mëduza are making another attempt to break our supply lines. Now, the Procyon 1 base is under threat from one of Mëduza’s remaining neutron drones. Every time they try to find it, it zips off through hyperspace.” “I thought that the ones that were hyperspace-capable were destroyed by the great ones.” “That’s what we thought as well before a message came through from them saying they saw it disappear into hyperspace. Apparently, Mëduza must have been able to make them hyperspace-capable remotely.” “Or they were hyperspace-capable from the outset.” “Perhaps, but what worries me is that our problem with the guidance systems won’t allow us to reach the Procyon system before the combined enemy fleet reaches them and possibly destroys them. It’s up to you and your people, Madame President.”

1:00 am. The Procyon 1 base on the planet orbiting the star Procyon in the constellation of the Greater Dog is still on alert from Mëduza’s latest drone attack terrorizing the personnel. They now must move underground due to the damaged ozone layer admitting more dangerous UV light to the surface, which is already affecting plant and animal life.

2:00 am. On board the Silver Guardian, Silo Crawford is asleep in his bunk as the ship is in hyperspace, having been ordered to the defense of Procyon 1. Mëduza’s words about his family still stick in his mind, but so do the words of the Princess in rebuke of the enemy’s taunts. He then hears the voice of Alphekka-Tahat calling to him. “Silo Crawford.” “Hm?” “You are going to Procyon 1 where danger and glory await you in equal measure. The enemies will try to claim the procyonite and that will lead to their defeat.” “How?” Her voice fades and he wakes up in a cold sweat, disturbing his sergeant. “What is it, Crawford?” “Just a dream, sir.” “You’re dreaming about that Princess, aren’t you?” “She’s, uh, interesting, sir.” “Just don’t get too interested in your distant cousin, or whatever she is to you, Crawford.” “You don’t have to worry about that, sir. She’s way too old for me, and we’d be genetically incompatible, I’m sure.” “Go back to sleep, Crawford.” “Yes, sir.” He lays back down and tries to fall back asleep, but is now worried: about himself, about the procyonite, whatever that is, and about the future of his people.

3:00 am. Camilla and I are woken up by the ringing of my mirror. “What’s going on?” “It’s the President.” I take the mirror outside and answer her call. “Good early morning, Madame.” “Good morning, Feline. Sorry to wake you so early. General Durga came to me and told me that another of their bases, this one in the Procyon system, is under threat from one of Mëduza’s drones. According to General Durga, the drone jumped to hyperspace when they tried to return fire. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “my partners and I destroyed the only hyperspace-capable drones Mëduza had.” But she must have recently found a way to remotely upgrade her existing drones, making them even more effective and able to move around the galaxy without being dependent on a ship as a mechanism of delivery to systems both captured and free.” “I’ll wake the others, Ma’am.” “One more thing, Feline: The General informed me that they’re ships are having some technical issues with the guidance and navigation software.” “Do they suspect malware or sabotage?” “She didn’t give a reason, but all I know is, they’re not going to be able to make it for a while. And, to make things worse, the combined enemy fleets are converging on the Procyon system.” “What’s so special about this place?” “Go there with your partners and ask them yourself. Good luck.” “Thanks, Ma’am.” She hangs up and I go back to sleep, wondering what’s so special about Procyon 1.

8:00 am. I am helping Xada’hai-Alii feed baby Moo-moo when after he decides he’s full, he starts climbing on the furniture in the living room, almost knocking over one of Grandma’s knick knacks but for me catching it with my telekinesis. I grab the baby and return him to his sister’s arms. “So, what do the Interstellar Forces use Procyon 1 for?” “Nobody knows, Lindsay-Marie. I guess it’s a secret.” “Yes. Must be highly classified.” “Why? Are you and your friends going there?” “Yeah. I wonder if Kyle’s brother met your mom.” “I don’t know. Do you know, Moo-moo?” “Mew.” Moo’tai crawls over to Xena, who sniffs him, her whiskers tickling his tummy and making him giggle. “Aww, has Moo-moo made a new friend?” “Hey, Mom.” “Hey. Did the President give you a new mission this morning?” “Yeah. We have to protect this base in the Procyon system, but nobody knows why it’s important. Except General Durga, maybe.” Xada’hai-Alii puts the baby down for his nap and I summon my partners.

Wednesday: 08/04/2032: 8:00 pm. My partners and I use the Bridge to go to Procyon 1 where the base commander, harried and frenzied, greets us. “Thank you four for coming. We’ve been expecting you.” “So, what does the Dark Tree want with Procyon 1?” “I suspect General Durga didn’t tell you?” “She didn’t, Ma’am. What is it that you all do here?” “Follow me, Immortals.” She leads us down into a cavernous cavity in the ground beneath the base and we see the entire space filled with glowing pink and purple crystals, ranging in size from needle-like spindles to majestic column-like growths. “What are they?” “The secret behind almost all hyperdrive technology in this galaxy. We don’t know how or why this mineral formed, but all we know is that the Dark Tree is desperate to either take it all for her and her ilk or blow it to oblivion. Either way, she will not allow us to have control over it any longer.” With us, four Immortals, present in the cavern, the crystals glow brighter and pulse with energy. “These crystals are the power source in each and every hyperdrive unit used by allied vessels. If they fall under the Shadow Queen’s control, no free people will ever be able to travel through hyperspace again.” “Are you willing to see them destroyed to prevent her gaining control of them?” “Before you four came, we were willing to see them destroyed, but with you here, there is hope.” “What are they called?” “Don’t say dilithium.” “We call them the Tears of Ta’alït’ha after she was denied the power of Earth and Fire by the creator Yr’na. The Za’ur instead call them the Tears of Ë’ia after she was denied Water and Air. Others, however, know these crystals as procyonite.” We see a large glowing crystal being removed from the procyonite ore and taken for processing. “We’re the source of all the crystals that allow space-faring civilizations to travel at acceptable speeds as dictated by their domestic and galactic affairs, whether for trade or travel.” “How long can each one last?” “The larger it is, the longer it will last.” “If it’s true that Mëduza has remotely upgraded her drones to be able to travel through hyperspace, then how did she do so without access to these crystals?” “Maybe she had help from Sahra.” “Maybe.” We go about strengthening the base’s shields from any bombardment and just as we’re about to finish, a golden doorway opens, and the High Queen appears. “Your Imperial Majesty.” “Base Commander. Is the cavern secure?” “Yes, Your Majesty. I thought we’d receive no help from i’Zami’Ta’alït’ha anytime soon.” “It is true that our guidance systems are having a lot of trouble. Apparently, we conducted a mass software update on all our ships to purge the virus from our hyperdrive systems, and while it worked in wiping out the malware, it played havoc with the code in our guidance software. We’re working on remediating it now.” “How could Mëduza have upgraded her drones with hyperdrives if she has no access to the crystals?” “Sahra, probably. I’ll start shielding the base. If you’re wondering, Bellatrix 9 now has a ring spell. Ta’alït’ha willing, I’ll be doing another soon.” Porrima-Hadar goes down into the cavern with all the strange crystals where she begins enacting a ritual to shield the base.

9:00 pm. Mëduza boards her new flagship and sends out a command for all her drones in the Galaxy to follow her to Procyon 1. “Now all shall bow before us.”

11:30 pm. On board the Silver Guardian, Silo Crawford is pondering the words of Alphekka-Tahat regarding the procyonite. How will their almost claiming the procyonite lead to their defeat?

11:45 pm. On board the ship carrying Princess Alphekka-Tahat and her squadron, Lië’ta-Naasi is looking at a picture album with her, her recently deceased husband, her teenage daughter, and her baby boy all together, taken just the day before one of Mëduza’s bombs exploded, crushing her husband beneath the rubble. She almost starts crying if not for Alphekka-Tahat entering the barracks. “Major.” “I know that your children are with young Mr. Crawford’s neighbors. In fact, I know their eldest daughter. I have a feeling that we’re not far from her right now.” “Will we arrive soon, Ta’alï’ankää’hääki?” “I believe so, Lië’ta-Naasi. I have a feeling we’ll see our friend Crawford again soon.”

11:59 pm. On board the Imperial Flagship, traveling through hyperspace, Sahra Etraxia sits on the bridge, with her servants surrounding her. In the lounge, Ares’veron and Mëduza are sitting across from each other at a table. “Are the drones on their way?” “I already sent out the command for them to follow us there.” “Good. Now all those crystals will belong to us.” “To Mother, you mean?” “Oh, yes, to Mother.” They pour a glass of ale. “Hopefully this’ll make up for all the failures of the past month and a half and fate will finally be kind to us.” “Yes. This galaxy will belong to all of us.” “You mean, to Mother?” “Yes. To Mother.” They then feel the ship pulling out of hyperspace and go up to the bridge where the Empress is waiting. “We’re here. Go to your ships, Ares’veron, Mëduza. Now the power of the Immortal Nation will belong to Us or to no one.”

Thursday: 08/05/2032: 12:00 am. “Your Majesty!” “Yes, Base Commander?” “The combined enemy fleet is here!” “Where is the Xi’ôrrani fleet, then?” “They’ve also just arrived, Majesty!” “Very well. You four, get up there and whatever you do, don’t let them get anywhere near this base!” “Yes, Your Majesty.” The four of us board the Harriet Tubman, which has just arrived, alongside the Silver Guardian and the Lady of Light. “Good morning, General. Have you heard from General Durga yet?” “No, I haven’t. Is the Queen there?” “Yes.” “The enemy flagship is hailing us.” “Put them through. I want to give this lady a piece of my mind.” “Yes, Ma’am.” The feed from Sahra’s ship appears on the screen. “Well. This is a pleasant surprise. I’ve heard that the ancient crystals of this world have beauty unmatched by any other gems in this Galaxy. I would like to see them intact.” “They’re not for sale, Sahra, so run along back to Kaledon, and don’t forget those lost puppies of yours, Ares’veron and Mëduza.” The crew of the Harriet Tubman breaks out in gales of loud, raucous laughter, as do the crews of our other ships, and Ares’veron’s lips curl back like an angry animal, at which Sahra grabs his ear and twists it in her sharp claws, making us laugh even more. “Ares’veron, Mëduza, send out your fighters and claim this mineral deposit for Us!” She releases him from her grip and they both go to their respective flagships, upon which hundreds of fighters pour out of the enemy fleets and are met with a response from the fighters of the human fleet. Silo’s ship, the Silver Guardian, fires several broadsides at Ares’veron’s flagship, which damages one of the enemy’s forward guns. In response, the enemy flagship fires a few broadsides at the Harriet Tubman, but I block the blows short of us. Mëduza’s flagship fires broadsides at the Lady of Light, causing only superficial damage to the hull and the Lady of Light returns fire, with the two ships moving in a circular motion. Then, the battle is interrupted by the sudden appearance of the Zami fleet and the flagship, HIMS Ta’alït’ha, deploys its fighters and fires broadsides at the Dark Tree’s flagship, shaking the Queen and all her Shadows nearly off their feet. On board the HIMS Ta’alït’ha is Lië’ta-Naasi Tahat, now deployed in her fighter craft, blasting enemy fighters to oblivion and firing at the Imperial Flagship’s hull.

1:00 am. Lië’ta-Naasi’s fighter is damaged by a shot from an enemy fighter, and she’s scooped up by the Dark Tree herself and brought to the Imperial Flagship. “Lt. Tahat!” Silo, seeing this, steers his fighter toward the same, with “Crawford, what are you doing?!” and “Silo, are you insane?!” coming through his radio.

Princess Alphekka-Tahat, seeing him heading for Sahra’s ship, contacts her mother, who, while becoming exhausted from generating the shield around the base, has enough energy to make a golden doorway for Silo to board the enemy’s flagship, flying into the fighter bay where he rams through multiple enemy fighters and takes out many shadows, with others parting like the Red Sea for him, as he runs with a fury known for which only the blood of the Wandering Light is known.

On the bridge of the ship, Sahra holds a captured Lië’ta-Naasi in the grip of the corrupted Tewir. “Surrender the mineral deposit to me, or this blue weasel will die in the sight of her Queen!” Ares’veron breaks into a crazed laughter as Kehran begins yanking hard on the Lieutenant’s hair. Then, they hear a sound of Shadows screaming coming from the adjoining hallways as someone, revealed to be Silo Crawford, enraged and frenzied, bursts onto the bridge, armed with Shadow blades, with all the fervor of a berserker. Sahra, Ares’veron, and Mëduza can hardly contain their shock and bewilderment. “Old lady Crawford’s grandson came to play?” Silo’s face is contorted into a mass of frenzied madness, his eyes a bright emerald green and as soon as they noticed his eyes, they were filled with a sense of inexplicable dread and terror. “That’s her, Mother! Aurië’s Star!” “Impossible! He’s mortal!” “You saw those girls, Mëduza! It’s like something possesses him!” “Fiend! I will destroy you ‘ere day’s end if you do not release the Lieutenant!” “Kill her, Kehran!” With a suddenness of a flash of lightning, the berserk Silo bolts into the crowd of Tewir and deals them many wounds with the two Shadow blades he wields and rescuing Lië’ta-Naasi from their grasp.

2:00 am. Porrima-Hadar is still down in the crystal cavern, giving all her strength to maintaining the shield, which still hasn’t been penetrated by the enemy yet, but the Queen is starting to tire, and she grabs hold of one of the procyonite crystals, but the time between her tiring and grabbing hold of the large crystal is just enough for Sahra, enraged by her losing hold of Lië’ta-Naasi, reappears in the cavern right behind the High Queen. “Surprise!” Porrima-Hadar is shocked to see the Shadow Queen in the cavern with her. “Getting tired, you blue weasel?!” “Never!” Sahra raises her staff at Porrima-Hadar, who quickly generates a shield to block the enemy’s blows and they engage in a pitched battle over the mineral deposit, with Sahra using her wings to hunt and chase Porrima-Hadar and with Porrima-Hadar using her golden doorways to escape the enemy’s landing blows. This continues until Sahra shatters Porrima-Hadar’s shield, for the High Queen’s strength is failing. Sahra, with her staff, has the High Queen pinned up against the largest procyonite crystal in the cavern. “Surrender the procyonite to me, Porrima-Hadar, and I may let you and your people live. What do you say?” Porrima-Hadar responds only by spitting in the enemy’s face, at which Sahra puts a black crystal tendril to the Queen’s throat, only to then emit a pained roar as a thin, needle-like procyonite crystal is stuck into her side, causing her to drop the Queen. Porrima-Hadar, momentarily regaining her strength, reforms her shield and puts it between herself and Sahra, still writhing on the ground in pain, but not before she pulls the crystal from the latter’s side. She then notices Silo Crawford behind the enemy, surrounded by a glowing golden aura. “So, you’re Aurië’s Star, then?” The possessed fighter pilot, still carrying Lië’ta-Naasi, responds with “I am, dear Porrima-Hadar, but you see my cousin, who has saved you, Your Majesty.” “Your horns.” Porrima-Hadar sees the Star’s presence fading and Silo collapses, and the lieutenant catches him. “What happened? What am I doing down here?” “You’ve no idea you just thrust one of the Tears of Ta’alït’ha into the enemy’s side?” Sahra stands up abruptly. “Tell Feline and her friends to get down here, she’s getting up!” “Let’s get out of this cavern.” “Going so soon?!” The look on Sahra’s face is one of rage and indignation. “Now that the Star is gone from you, Crawford rat, I’ll personally deliver your body to your grandmother right after I disassemble it!” She breaks into a fit of frenzied laughter right as the four of us appear in the cavern and drive her back to her flagship, which is taking too many hits from the ships Harriet Tubman and the HIMS Ta’alït’ha. Ares’veron and Mëduza reluctantly return to their flagships and the combined enemy fleet, what’s left of it, flees into hyperspace, having been severely weakened by this Tear of Ta’alït’ha after it wounded Sahra’s side.

3:00 am. With the Procyon system having been secured against all hostiles, we rest up aboard the Zami Flagship, with Silo receiving recognition for saving the High Queen, though he claims to have no memory of his battle apart from being in space in his fighter craft and then ‘waking up’ in the procyonite cavern. He says only that the ‘Star’ possessed him and that he doesn’t remember anything else. “You said something about her horns, Majesty. What did you mean by that? Who’s Aurië’s Star?” “I know one thing for certain, young Crawford. Your civilization is now a greater threat to the enemy than ever before. To match them, we will need to contact the people of Hatorra. But first, you will receive formal recognition from my people.” Lië’ta-Naasi approaches me. “Are you the one with whom my children are staying?” “I am, Lieutenant. Xada’hai-Alii and Moo’tai are safe in my home, and they are very happy.” “Good. I knew I made the right choice sending them to Earth. Will you tell her that I am alive and thinking of her every day?” “I will, Lt. Tahat.” The Zami fleet jumps into hyperspace to return home to i’Zami’Ta’alït’ha, which is our next destination.

Previous Episode: The Great Escape.

Next Episode: This is Yanara Calling.
