Sarah Sharp: The Cool POTUS.

First Appearance: In Infamy

Last Appearance: 

Powers: purple hair that never stops rapidly growing such that it must be cut often, inhuman reflexes, and can shape shift (whether to walk freely amongst her people without drawing attention to herself, or to evade attempts on her life). 

Clothes: Typical business casual clothing expected of a government official. 

Hair: Concorde Purple. 

Eyes: Pale blue-violet. 

Secret Form: prefers to take on the form of a random citizen in order to go out among her people, one, without being recognized, and two, to learn firsthand about the issues they face. 

Personality: Calm, cool, and collected, but also passionate about her country and her people. 

Facts: Her mother is an Immortal and her father was a mortal. Her hair is concorde purple and not only never stops growing, but grows at roughly 100x the rate at which fingernails grow, thus needing to cut it roughly every two weeks. She is able to hide it through her ability to shape shift when in public. 

Born: 1990. 


Galaxy of Origin: Via Laxia. 

Planet of Origin: Earth

Species: Half-blood Human (Homo sapiens).

Parents: Immortal mother and mortal father. 

Mate: Dan Sharp (deceased). 

Offspring: Daughter Courtney and son Tyler Sharp

Demigod of: Being the coolest President of the 21st century. 

