Qatherine Sanchez: The Synesthete.

First Appearance: Your Average American Goddess

Last Appearance: –

Talents: Synesthesia. 

Hair: Brown. 

Eyes: Brown. 

Clothes: a blend of traditional fashion from Oaxaca with overalls. 

Personality: Friendly and sensitive. 

Facts: She can simultaneously write in Spanish with one hand and English with the other. 

Born: 07/24/2017.

Died: –

Best Moments: Meeting Lindsay James and the others for the first time.

Height: 5’2″.

Weight: 100 lbs.

Alignment: Good. 

Galaxy of Origin: Via Laxia. 

Planet of Origin: Earth

Species: Mortal Human (Homo sapiens).

Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez.

Siblings: none.

Favorite Color: Yellow.

Favorite Food: Fish.

Friends: Lindsay James, Ziva Pfeiffer, 龙美雷, Henry Lancaster, Joshua DiBatista, Kyle Crawford, and Camilla Kyohaku.

Enemies: Snakes (and by extension, The Shadow Queen).


Further details will be added as the series progresses.
