Johann-Willem “JW” Crawford-Sieren: The Water Child.

First Appearance: The Sleepover

Last Appearance: – 

Talents: Kehran suspects he has cat-elf heritage, though the exact nature of his powers is unknown. 

Hair: Russet Brown. 

Eyes: Blue. 

Clothes: Blue shorts and green shirt. 

Personality: Very shy and quiet, reluctant to speak unless spoken to, and very highly attuned to the body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions of others, particularly middle-aged men, for they most physically resemble his abusive father. He is also very polite, though this stems mostly from his fear of offending authority figures, deeply conditioned into him by years of physical, emotional, and psychological abuse at the hands of his father, Charles Crawford. Despite his conditioned trauma responses, he is also very kind and gentle to other people and also to animals, though only when his father isn’t in the vicinity. 

Facts: He is of Tolimani ancestry, and having been born in the month of June, he can control water. However, he does not learn this until just before he finds his mother again and they escape the house. He is saved by his younger sister Aurië’hmírri Xi’ôrr’qahxí. Like his mother Adristëa, he can breathe underwater, but other than his hydromantic abilities, he looks like any ordinary human boy. He was also, due to being conceived during the waxing crescent phase of Hrëa, born with a tail, but it was hidden by a spell put upon him by his father after his mother’s failed escape attempt (from her begging Chuck not to cut it off) in addition to the manipulation of his memories. However, for the next ten years, he would have recurring dreams of breathing underwater and having a tail like a lion’s tail and he always felt that a part of himself was missing, even though he looked close enough to a human. His ears are shaped like human ears, but like the ears of the Tolimani, they can flex and articulate with his emotions. He has a pet raccoon who only appears when his father isn’t around and she just seems like a very clever raccoon. 

Apparent Age: 15. 

Born: June 2017. 

Died: – 

Height: 5’6”. 

Weight: 180lbs.

DNA Profile: 50% Earthling, 25% Tolimani, and 25% Tahuran Human. Could live for up to 200 years. Aging ratio post-24 is 1 year every 3 years.

Weapon: unknown. 

Galaxy of Origin: Via Laxia. 

Planet of Origin: Earth.

Species: Earthling-Tahuran-Tolimani Hybrid (Homo hemisylvanus sapiens).

Parents: Charles Crawford and Adristëa Sieren

Siblings: His sister Aurië’hmírri Xi’ôrr’qahxí Crawford-Sieren.

