Hanix X: The Sea Boy.

First Appearance: The Golden Nest and the Sea.

Last Appearance: – 

Talents: Breathing underwater with gills, swimming to great depths, and telepathic communication.

Hair: Blue and green with gold. 

Eyes: Blue. 

Tail: Blue and green with gold. 

Clothes: Green and blue. 

Personality: Curious and friendly, he immediately welcomes the four travelers to his home and tells them about his world. 

Facts: Like all Xalexxian merfolk, he is capable of telepathic communication, which gives their species a collective intelligence, allowing them to communicate over thousands of miles of ocean since his kind seldom visit what little land still defies the waves. 

Born: 2018. 

Height: 6 feet tall. 

Alignment: Good. 

Galaxy of Origin: Andromeda. 

Planet of Origin: Xalexxa

Species: Xalexxian Merfolk (Homo pisces sapiens).

Siblings: Xana X.

