Firefist Birchwood: The Scientist.

First Appearance: Wicked Frost

Last Appearance: – 

Title: Head of R&D. 

Magic Color: Red. 

Powers: I can create destructive fires and engineer useful things from old techno-junk. 

Clothes: Tattered black hooded robe. 

Hair: Black. 

Eyes: Red. 

Personality: On the surface, he initially comes off as mean-spirited, cruel, and petty, generally looked down on by the Queen and the other Tewir, having to constantly prove his worth. 

Facts: He is at the bottom of The Shadow Queen’s court hierarchy, being the head of research and development. He is usually a butt for cruel jokes from Kehran. He is also the scientist of the group, but he is only appreciated by them when the Queen decides his contributions are useful to her. 

Chronological Age: 65. 

Apparent Age: 45. 

Born: 1965. 

Died: – 

Height: 6 feet tall. 

Wingspan: 30 feet. 

Zodiacal Element: Light/Fire. 

Galaxy of Origin: Via Laxia. 

Planet of Origin: Tewira

Species: Tewir (Homo aquila sapiens).

Mate: Edessa Birchwood (estranged). 

Offspring: Niamh Birchwood and Mannie Birchwood (estranged). 

Grandchildren: Rusty Birchwood.

Story: In River of Darkness, he was captured by the dark mage Charles Crawford while attempting to kill the latter and end his threat to Sahra Etraxia in their quest to claim the Eldritch abomination known as the Uncreator. For several months, he was believed to be dead and was thus abandoned by his Queen and his Tewir comrades. In On the Warpath, he managed to escape with the help of Aurië’hmírri Xi’ôrr’qahxí Crawford-Sieren and return to Kaledon where he reveals himself to be alive to his comrades and his Queen, and reveals that Chuck cut off his wings and tortured him for months in the former’s basement. In Baby Business, he was sent by Sahra to audit Ares’veron as the loyalty of all her Tolimani vassals, save for Mëduza, was called into question following the attempted hacking and destruction of her computer in Screaming Agony. Ares’veron, seeing the chance to gain insight into the ritual to be used by Chuck to awaken the Uncreator, offers Firefist a deal: if Firefist helps him, he will regrow the former’s severed wings. Wanting more than anything to regain his wings and finally be appreciated for his work, he agrees to the deal, despite knowing he’ll be working alongside the man who violently mutilated him.
