Ë’ia’tyr Lÿ’läao Otexi: The Verdant Sorceress.



  • Hair: Black with some streaks of silver and small symbiotic plants sharing her blood supply. 
  • Eyes: Green. 
  • Clothes: Emerald green nightie, bare feet, and bare face. 
  • Hrëa Phase at Conception: 🌗
  • Meaning: “Tree of Ë’ia, Lady of the Wood.” 

Personality and Facts. 


  • She is very cute, talented in magic, and loving and both Ÿrûn’rûti Avior and Mëduza Vix’eri are her mothers, in that she carries Mëduza’s mitochondrial DNA while she possesses Ÿrûn’rûti’s nuclear DNA.


  • She, like her great aunt Frëi’a and second cousin Arûra, is one of the few Za’ur who has magic. Because of this, she grows up learning her craft from Frëi’a. She is a distant descendant of Aurië through her great-grandmother Lya Vela and is well-versed in magic despite still being a young child. She also possesses black and silver helix horns. Her ears are smaller than what would be expected for a Za’ur child, more resembling the ears of the Tolimani.
  • Best Moments: Appearing in Lindsay’s yard. 
  • Worst Moments: Being separated from her mother. 
  • Defining Moment: Escaping from the enemy’s fortress. 
  • Likes: Drawing runes and dancing in the woods.
  • Dislikes: Having to run from the remaining Orcs of Mëduza.


  • DOB: Hyla 12026 Hgat’hwyr Hgat’hranë or March 3, 2026. 
  • DOD: 
  • Title: Lady of the Wood, a priestess of the goddess Ë’ia. 
  • Home Galaxy: Laxia. 
  • Home Planet: Vädi
  • Species: Alud Za’urTolimani Hybrid (Homo lupus sapiens). 
  • DNA Profile: Tolimani mitochondrial DNA and 100% Alud Za’ur (nuclear DNA). 
  • Potential Life Expectancy: Up to 700 years. 
  • Aging Ratio post-24: is 1 year every 6 years. 



  • Emerald Green. 












My Mÿxi was abducted from her bed in Ahanûri when she was 14 by Mëduza in 2026 (84 Earth years of age) and taken to her new base on the planet Vädi where Mÿxi was imprisoned in a dark room where she was restrained on a table. Mëduza proceeded to perform all manner of painful experiments on her, including putting her mitochondrial DNA into Mÿxi’s eggs. Fertilizing them in her lab and one having taken, she implanted it into Mÿxi and almost two months later, she gave birth to a winged female Za’ur puppy, me, who she named Ë’ia’tyr Lÿ’läao, which in Za’ur means “Tree of Ë’ia, Lady of the Wood.” Ë’ia is our main goddess. Mÿxi loves me with all her heart, but when I was born, that snake took me away from her, making me cry. During that first year of my life, we struggled to be together, and she struggled to teach me my magic since magic is rare amongst our species. Mëduza would take my blood and inject it into herself to increase her magical power, but it led to her living a cursed life. In addition, Mëduza would allow the disgraced and tyrannical Vädish king to have his way with Mÿxi and torture her for fun while she was strapped to the table. It was after Mëduza’s death that Mÿxi escaped into the dense forest around Hreikar, looking for me after she had me fly off to escape the abuses of our tormentor. We weren’t reunited for good until Lindsay and I came looking for Mÿxi in the Vädish forest and we were brought to her home and reunited with Mÿxi’s family, the High Royal family of Aludra Za’ur. My grandfather, grandmother, uncle, and great-grandmother the High King, Queen, Crown Prince, and Queen Mother all adored me instantly.
